The final line of my last blog post for 2018 reads "2019 has a lot to live up to". Little did I know then how much 2019 would not only live up to my expectations - but go way beyond.
Goodbye to Joshua
The year started on a sad note for us when our much loved mate, Joshua, headed home to Grafton. But as the saying goes "When one door closes, another opens", and that door has opened to let in many fresh faces.

Wahoo Pools
On a business note, our blossoming relationship with Wahoo Pools has meant that we've worked with them on some fantastic new projects - and we look forward to carrying this through to the new year.

Tough Mudder Challenge
And what's another year without a challenge? There's nothing like getting down and dirty on a 5km Tough Mudder team challenge and testing our teamwork abilities. But we came through with flying colours and mud from top to toe! #mudface.

Team Day
We split into teams and spread across the vast grounds of Dreamworld on an epic scavenger hunt. We tested our knowledge. We tested our problem solving abilities. And we tested our scary fear levels as we took to some of the more hair-raising rides.

Awards Night
This is the annual night of nights for our industry. We get to go glamorous - without a trace of black and pink. And we cleaned up well in all aspects!

Christmas Party
There are Christmas parties. Then there's the Brookes Blooms Christmas party. And that was a knockout! We cruised the glorious waters of Moreton Bay, 'purposely' loosing our garments to the wind. We ate. We drank. We snorkelled and swam. We tried sand surfing, but just rolled with laughter. We danced, and we went sightseeing. We did everything possible to have the best party ever - and we're already looking forward to the next one.

We've worked on some wonderful projects throughout the year - in fact, too many to mention. From small to large, there was no project our team couldn't tackle. We've also added some great new skills to our growing repertoire.

Riverbar & Kitchen
We put the 'O' in Oasis by revamping the Oasis in the city, better known as Riverbar & Kitchen. And we can say it has never looked better, now featuring pops of colour and eccentric floral arrangements that highlight the vibrant character of the bar.

Brisbane Housing Company
Our new relationship with Brisbane Housing Company has flourished, and we look forward to continuing to revitalise their existing gardens to create a more liveable landscape, radiating a healthy and homely environment for their residents.

Our Amazing Clients
Everything we create, construct and design is fuelled by our amazing clients. They allow us to keep doing what we love. Thank you!

Our Awesome Suppliers
Without the support of our awesome suppliers, we'd have a very difficult time. Thankfully. that's something we don't have to worry about - we love them! We wouldn't have such an amazing portfolio of work without them!

Special Mention
A special mention and massive congratulations to one of our talented and passionate Horticulturalist's Ryan. Ryan took away the Apprentice of the Year Award at the Annual Landscape Queensland Construction and Excellence Awards. We are so proud of you, Ryan!

Burleigh Heads Project
Moving up the pipeline, we are so excited to be expanding past the Brisbane perimeter, working on a large-scale commercial project in Burleigh Heads. Our landscaping for a large holiday apartment building has definitely up-sized our workload. We really value the experience, so we can continue taking on larger projects like this.

Equality Campaign
We're not just about creating a better garden landscape for our customers. We're also about contributing positively to the social landscape. We flew our rainbow flag - We Love Gardens - and we kicked off the #weloveequality campaign. We're about inclusivity and sharing the love.

New Website
Late in 2019, we launched our new website to give our clients and suppliers a better online experience. Watch this space as we bring more exciting news of our garden and landscaping exploits.

We hope that 2020 surpasses all we've accomplished last year, as we go from strength to strength.