Team Interviews // Rebecca

Rebecca's journey in the horticulture field has been nothing short of blooming success. Over the past 18 months, she has passionately delved into the intricate world of plants, soil, and landscapes, discovering a love for garden maintenance that goes beyond the ordinary. Let's take a stroll through the vibrant garden of Rebecca's horticultural career at Brooke's Blooms.

In 2021, Rebecca laid the foundation for her green thumb by studying Horticulture. Little did she know that this decision would sprout into a flourishing career. The intricate knowledge gained during her studies became the fertile soil for her future endeavours.

Rebecca officially joined the talented team at Brooke's Blooms in 2022, bringing her fresh perspective and a keen eye for garden maintenance. Her dedication to the craft and commitment to creating stunning landscapes quickly made her an indispensable asset to the team.

Rebecca's commitment to honing her skills led her to undertake an Apprenticeship in Parks and Gardens. This hands-on experience not only allowed her to grow professionally but also deepened her understanding of the delicate balance required to maintain green spaces.

While weekdays are dedicated to nurturing plants, weekends unveil a different side of Rebecca. She thrives on exploring the world of second-hand treasures in Op Shops, finding beauty in the discarded and forgotten. This unique hobby reflects her appreciation for the value in every living thing – a sentiment that undoubtedly influences her work in horticulture.

The weekend routine is completed with the comforting presence of her feline companion, Marco, adding a touch of warmth to her well-rounded life.

One of the high points in Rebecca's career was the well-deserved recognition she received for her outstanding work on the Cornubia Project. Her meticulous garden maintenance skills and dedication to creating green havens did not go unnoticed. Winning the Maintenance of the Year Award was not just an acknowledgment of her hard work but a testament to her commitment to excellence in horticulture.

Beyond her technical prowess, Rebecca brings a unique quality to the workplace – her vibrant mood and uplifting positivity. She doesn't just care for the gardens she tends but also nurtures a harmonious work environment. Her caring nature extends beyond the plant life; she cares for her team just as she cares for her gardens, creating a work atmosphere that is as enriching as the soil she tends.
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