New Years Garden Resolution

The new year often brings us some extra time that we wouldn't always have during the year. New Year's resolutions have been penned, and if you're anything like my sister - sorting out your garden is high on the list.   And not just doing the garden sometime this year, but now!

But where to start? It's easy to write down 'Garden Makeover' or 'Fix the garden' on your to do list, but when you go to start it can be somewhat overwhelming.  Just ask google, right? We are so spoilt by the internet, that we can simply go on there, type in 'garden' and start drooling over these stunning gardens that we want, and sometimes completely unaware of what goes into creating these masterpieces.

To help you get started, here are my tips when it comes to getting started on your garden resolution:

  1. Set your budget - enter the old saying 'Champaign taste on a beer budget' you need to ensure that what you would like to do is something you can afford.  
  2. Get a plan - have a plan put together for you outlining what works need to be done to reach your goal including plant selection. It's vital that the plants that are chosen are suited to the climate as well conditions your garden provides. Think about how long you want to spend maintaining your garden or if you will get someone in to maintain it for you. This will affect what type of garden will suit so that it can be maintained properly.
  3. Execute - often we have clients that get us to quote then we don't hear from them for a year and by then, the task is much larger than what it was when first meeting with them. Once you've set your budge and got a plan put together - book in a date and execute it.
  4. Maintain - after you've spent all that time and invested money in your garden, don't forget to maintain it. Just because the works have been completed doesn't mean there isn't more work to be done. Depending on your brief you will need to spend some time in your garden or have someone to help you out. Know what needs to be done, and make a plan to keep your garden growing.
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